Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas 2008

After many, many years of traveling to ND for Christmas, we decided to spend Christmas at our home and then travel later in the week to visit family. Christmas Eve was great - mass, prime rib dinner, clean up by the boys, entertainment (charades, piano, and recorder), and then opening our Christmas pajamas.

What a wonderful thing to wake up Christmas morning and celebrate. The boys (and Lily) had a great morning opening gifts. After all the opening, we did pack up and travel to ND for 3 days. Lily came, too. We spent Friday with my sister and then my family. We enjoyed an Italian Christmas dinner, played Apples to Apples, and caught up on each other's lives. Saturday was with the Vettels. The highlight of the day was the siblings "white elephant" exchange. Joel's Jewish friend opened a cross wall hanging. We all got a good laugh.

I think the boys enjoyed playing out in the snow with their cousins the best. They found a 9 ft. snow drift and dug a snow cave. Then, they climbed a storage building and slid down the side into the snow. James' cousin rented snowmobiles for the week and our boys enjoyed riding on and behind on a sled. Needless to say, they were tired every evening.

Instead of a gingerbread house, the boys decorated a nativity. After looking at it for weeks, they finally decided to eat a few pieces. Neither of them dared to eat Jesus or Mary.

1 comment:

Collins Family said...

I love the "cross" story! Too funny:)